The first British Standard BS:8577 certified

IFA firm in the region

The first British Standard BS:8577

certified firm in the region

A trusted aide

when you’re most in need

Together we can achieve

a more positive outcome

Giving you the understanding

to negotiate confidently

Helping you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes

Financial Settlements

Understanding the assets and investments, their values, features, benefits and drawbacks.

Providing context through financial planning, ideally before or during separation and divorce to put you in a properly informed position to prepare and negotiate confidently.

Helping you decide between clean break and spousal maintenance settlements.

Post-divorce financial planning and implementation.  Once the settlement is confirmed, helping you form and implement a financial plan to cater for your immediate and future needs.

Pension Sharing

Help you understand what it means including the type of pension share concerned.

Help you understand the actuarial report which justifies the share being offered and check whether it represents fair value.

Assist you and your solicitor with negotiations.

Help you implement the sharing order and/or determine how it fits with your overall financial plan, applying our financial planning expertise and independent financial advice to make sure you make the right choices for your immediate and future needs.

Pension Offsetting

Help with concerns over valuation including ensuring fair value relative to savings, investments, and equity in property.

Help you understand the pros and cons of this option in comparison to others.

Help you understand the implications for your post-divorce lifestyle and overall financial plans.

Assist you and your solicitor with negotiations.

Amongst the most qualified and experienced specialists in the UK

Graham’s divorce expertise combined with our BS:8577 certified financial planning service helps you make sense of the current, in the context of your future

Having been a divorce specialist for over twenty-five years and being one of very few Resolution accredited IFAs in the country, Graham has both the technical expertise and invaluable experience of helping clients through such difficult, stressful and worrying times that we can say confidently he will help ensure you achieve the most positive outcome.

This combined with our enviable combination of qualifications and accreditations means that you can feel confident placing your trust in us during what is likely to be one of the most emotionally vulnerable periods in your life.

Our British Standard BS:8577 certified financial planning service is designed to help you fully understand the future impact of decisions you must make today, assess the impact of the divorce on your lifestyle based financial plans, and help you best structure your finances post-divorce to live the lifestyle you desire.

I thought I had received good advice to date. Little did I know. Thank you for opening my eyes.
The advice you provided throughout my divorce proceedings was valued by my solicitor, barrister and myself.  I look forward to working with you for many years to come.

Retired consultant orthopaedic consultant North Wales

“Graham is tenacious, hard working, approachable and plain speaking. I’ve been very satisfied with all matters that he has handled on my behalf. I am very regularly in contact with many IFAs professionally, and I have no desire to change.”

Divorce specialist partner, respected international law firm.